Tonight begins Yom HaZikaron --
Memorial Day. It is a day for remembering all those who have fallen for
our nation: Those who have fallen in battle, and those who have fallen at the
hands of terrorists. A siren will go off at 8 PM, at which point
everyone is expected to stand silently; another will go off at 11 AM
tomorrow. Public establishments will be closed for the night -- most
especially places of recreation such as restaurants and theaters, but even
stores. We become a nation in mourning: the deaths touch us all. A
formal ceremony will take place on Mt. Herzl at the national
This year we will be mourning
22,993-- soldiers who have lost their lives and civilians
who have died in terror attacks.
Paula Stern, has a blog, "A
Soldier's Mother," and, with great eloquence born of the deepest of
feelings, she has written the following -- -- about
Yom Hazikaron:
"It is a strange and
wonderful thing we do each year as we stop and thank those who gave their lives
so that we could live here in this land. We will stand tonight and tomorrow, for
those who have fallen. It is the least we can do - and the most. But
perhaps in this modern world of hustle and bustle, the greatest thanks we give
them is in how we as a society remember them, honor them, and mourn for
"It is a good thing that our hearts break this day - it is, I remind myself often, so much of what defines our country. May the defenders of Israel be blessed and those who have fallen forever be remembered not just for their sacrifice, but for who they were in the short time they lived. May they be remembered and honored and may their families know no more sorrow." (Emphasis added)
"It is a good thing that our hearts break this day - it is, I remind myself often, so much of what defines our country. May the defenders of Israel be blessed and those who have fallen forever be remembered not just for their sacrifice, but for who they were in the short time they lived. May they be remembered and honored and may their families know no more sorrow." (Emphasis added)
To which I say Amen!
(With thanks to Israel Matzav for
calling my attention to the above.)
The price we pay for living in our
land. The ultimate price. Our young people understand this. It is
too much already, but we know that we are not yet done...
There seems to be an increase of
late in the violence directed at us by Arabs. I mentioned yesterday
my need to make decisions about what to write about. Because there is so
much to discuss, I don't catalogue every incident of violence. But
sometimes I wonder if I should.
Last night, over 1,000 people went
to pray at Kever Yosef -- Joseph's Tomb -- outside of Shechem (Nablus) in
Samaria; they were accompanied by a substantial IDF guard. The Tomb has a
painful history, including the murder of Ben-Yosef Livnat by PA security people
a year ago. Last night an Arab shot at a member of the IDF.
Also last night -- in the hours
before dawn -- an Arab, apparently in Israel without documentation, hailed a
cab. When they arrived at their destination in Kfar Saba (near the Arab
city of Kalkilyia), the Arab stabbed driver in his upper body several times,
leaving him critically wounded. He did not rob him, which tells us we're
looking at terrorism.
Less than a week ago, in the
eastern Jerusalem neighborhood of Shimon HaTzadik, an Arab stabbed a yeshiva
A common means that Arabs --
especially young Arabs -- use for attacking Jews is stone-throwing.
I've written about this with regard to the Mount of Olives cemetery, but it's
more pervasive than this. It seems to happen particularly in Judea, in
Gush Etzion. Just last Thursday there was such an attack, when a family
was driving home to Tekoa, in daylight.
What is regrettable is that such
stone throwing is sometimes minimized -- as if it were pebbles being
tossed. But we're talking about rocks, chunks of concrete and even bricks that can crash a car
windshield, and kill.
In point of fact, Israel is
contending right now with a very painful, contentious and messy trial --
taking place at the Ofer Military Court -- that involves death via rock
Last September, Asher Palmer, of Kiryat Arba, was driving in his
car with his baby son, Yonatan, when Arabs hurled a heavy stone
through his windshield. It hit him on the head, causing him to lose control of
the car. Father and son died in the resultant crash.

Credit: YNet
It took a while, but ultimately
the police determined that this was not simply an accident, but a terror
attack. The two Arab men who threw the "stones" were apprehended, and
charged, and are now to be tried -- with delays and postponements ensuing.
Asher is an American citizen (the
son of Americans) and here, as with the terrorist-generated deaths of other
Americans, there is also a US interest in seeing justice done.
Asher's father, Michael, is seen
in a video clip here: .
His final words on this video are
that Asher was about "building Eretz Yisrael (the Land of Israel) and the love
of the land...and we have to make sure his message keeps going and work harder
and harder for it to be realized."
This is noteworthy for two
First, because it
seems typical of so many Israelis who have suffered losses from terrorists.
Rather than rage and lament, they work to achieve positive goals in memory of
the one who is gone. I am in awe of this.
And then because it makes an
exceedingly important point: Whatever I have described about Arab attacks
on Jews here in Israel should not in any terms be used to paint Israel as a
dangerous or negative place. We here are aware of the possibility of
"something" happening, but we proceed with normal life, joyous for being
here. And the great majority of the time, nothing happens. I
certainly walk the streets of the Jerusalem I love without compunction.
When you love Israel, there
is only determination to fight the fight that must be fought, and to make it all
that it should be. This is, perhaps, the over-riding theme of Yom
HaZikaron. There is no surrender.
In his message for Yom HaZikaron
today, Prime Minister Netanyahu said:
"...our loved ones, who fell in
the battles of Israel, did not fall for nothing. Thanks to them, the state was
established. Thanks to them, the state of Israel continues to develop and
flourish, and thanks to them, the young generation will be able to live their
lives in security and peace.
"I can tell you, 'Be comforted, be
comforted, my people.' Take comfort in the building of the land, take
comfort in the building of Zion, and may you know no more pain."
(Emphasis added)
And so, some tentatively good
news, which is very relevant:
Yesterday I kept reading in the
news that there was nothing the government could do about the demolition of
Ulpana, because there was a court order for that demolition and the Civil
Administration had promised.
"Come on!" I thought. "What there
is genuine determination to accomplish here, can be accomplished," I
"Can't the government go back to
the court and request time to re-evaluate the situation?" I asked of someone
with legal expertise. "They can...," was the answer, "if they want
to." Ah! I waited, not terribly hopeful.
Now the news is that the
Ministerial Committee that was appointed to consider the situation has
instructed the prosecutor's office to return to the High Court next week and ask
for a delay in the evacuation. During that interim, a special
committee will look into the situation, seeking alternate solutions.
This is not a final reprieve for
the residents of Ulpana. But it's a step in the right direction. With
creative thinking and sincere intent....
This business that the
neighborhood "must" be evacuated because it's on "Palestinian" land is
maddening. There is no proof of anything of the sort. This is based
on a perverse principle that must be re-examined.

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