Thursday, October 11, 2012

Jews' Place In The 21st Century World

Nurit Greenger

Since they were expelled from their homeland, Jews were the scapegoat and the punching bag of the world and if one can describe evil, one can simply point at how the word has been treating Jews for over 2000 years.

Seventy years ago, in Europe, the Nazi regime and its cohorts, with the assistance of many European Governments slaughtered 6Million Jews.
Today, in the year 2012, Jews who live in Europe are fleeing from the Islamonazis who have flooded Europe.

Jewish communities who resided in many Europe cities no longer exist or are fast dwindling.

In 2008, an article was published and has been making its rounds ever since: All European life died in Auschwitz. The article begins, "I walked down the street in Barcelona , and suddenly discovered a terrible truth – Europe died in Auschwitz. We killed six million Jews and replaced them with 20 million Muslims. In Auschwitz we burned a culture, thought, creativity, talent."
It appears that Jews have no place anywhere in this world. In Israel the Arabs have been trying to destroy their country and kill as many of them since the Jewish state was restored.
Even in America, Israel is blamed and demonized, called an "occupier," "a Nazi regime" and "an Apartheid state." Israelis and their military are accused for being human rights abusers and genocidal, even though the Arab-Palestinian population grew 250% since 1967.
Having been born just after the Holocaust, to parents who arrived to Israel after wasting five years of their life in the Nazi camps of Europe, I am appalled that this is happening all over again. I am appalled of the déjà-vu.
My wish, the Europeans should expel the Muslims; but if not, they need to set limits and boundaries just like the mayor of Lewiston, Maine has done: Lewiston, Maine: Muslims Demand Mayor's Resignation for Asking Them to Assimilate -
The Europeans have given up on their nation states and every country there is becoming part of the Islamic caliphate. Very dark days are coming upon Europe.
Sadly and most frightening, the Islamization of Europe bug has come to North America. The slow takeover of Europe by the Moslems is now rapidly duplicated in the USA, right before our eyes.
If we thought the European were stupid to have imported Islam into their midst, Americans are equally as stupid.  Washington bends over backwards to pander to and placate the Islamists who have infiltrated every layer of the American society. Once the Moslems will grow in numbers, the fate of the Jews in America will be the same of the European Jewry.
What the future holds is bleak.
Leftism is the largest growing religion in the world and works closely with Islam. As Leftism takes hold of the West, Jews always become the scapegoats, as we see it is happening today.
The irony is that Hitler, via the Moslems, has, posthumously, achieved his goal. Europe will soon be "Judenrein" (free of all Jews), because the growing virulent Islamonazis anti-Semitism is driving them out. The last twenty years influx of Moslem immigrants throughout Europe and their venomous brand of anti-Semitism has joined and reignited the old, festering European despise of Jews. Europe's history with regard to the Jews is one of shame. Europeans not only have, in the past, failed to protect the Jews, they joined in the ongoing persecution, forced conversions and expulsions. Today the attacks - even murders - against Jewish men, women, children and Jewish owned businesses has become so severe and constant that Jews are fleeing Europe in droves in order to save themselves from the violence assault and run away from life under fear and siege.
Norway's last 800 Jews are leaving in order to save themselves from the Islamonazis assaults: But Norway is not alone in failing to protect the Jewish minority in their midst; this failure is everywhere.
What will it take for the cowardly in each "enlightened" nation to take a stand against the Islamonazis bullies threatening to take over and institutionalize a worldwide caliphate?
In the meantime, where is home for the Jews? There is no other home but home itself, the nations state of the Jewish nation Israel. There, Jews are safe and if not, they can defend themselves and be safe.

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