Sunday, October 14, 2012

Murdoch: 'Nightmare for Israel' If Obama Wins

Paul Scicchitano

Media mogul Rupert Murdoch tweeted on Saturday that it would be a “nightmare for Israel” if President Obama is re-elected to a second term.

Vice President Joe “Biden outright lied about personal relations with Bibi. Susan Rice for State real nightmare,” opined the 81-year-old Murdoch, who built the world’s largest media corporation with assets that include Fox News, The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post.

In a series of tweets on Saturday, Murdock (@rupertmurdoch) also accused the White House of “still lying about Benghazi” and charged that the Obama administration “had to know truth, or is whole admin a shambles? Biden threw CIA under bus, now WH throws State.”

Murdoch, who resigned as director of News International in July but insists that he is still at the helm, predicted that the presidential election appears to be “coming down to Ohio” where GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney visited on Saturday.

“Huge spending by both sides, but Obama TV buying operation infinitely smarter,” Murdock observed on Twitter.

He had this advice for Romney ahead of his second debate with President Obama on Tuesday: “Next debate Romney needs to ignore personal attacks and pivot to plans for millions of jobs and real opportunity for all. Only that matters.”

Murdoch, who last year closed the News of the World tabloid after a phone-hacking scandal engulfed News Corp.'s U.K. unit, also tweeted that British Prime Minister David Cameron appears to be considering tougher privacy laws.

“Told U.K.'s Cameron receiving scumbag celebrities pushing for even more privacy laws,” he insisted. “Trust the toffs! Transparency under attack. Bad.”

In a tweet about China, Murdoch first reported the country to be in “crisis” with “massive public anger at corruption. Maybe change on way. Nobody can make confident predictions.”

But he later explained: “Did not mean China in real crisis, at least yet. But big problems. Bet Xi will be very different, move slowly to improve many things.”

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