Monday, April 16, 2012

Council for the National Interest Foundation Bleats about “Islamophobia”

Bill Levinson

Alison Weir of the Council for the 501(c)(3) tax exempt National Interest Foundation says the Israel lobby is “Islamophobic.” Let’s address some of her concerns in detail.

Dr. Giraldi, a former CIA station chief, writes:
“Depicting Islam as manifestly medieval, backward, and cruel is not new, as it has been going on in one form or another since the Israelis and Palestinians first locked horns. Recognizing that the propaganda that is being ground out in the mainstream media derives from that conflict, it is easy to understand why Muslims are persistently portrayed in negative terms. And it should be equally unsurprising to learn that those who are denigrating Muslims and Islam are almost invariably among the most uncritical supporters of Likudist Israel and all its works.”

Weir continues,

As Phil notes, the Israel lobby’s vicious Islamophobia “fuels other narratives that the neoconservatives and their friends support, like perpetual warfare against Islamic countries to bring about regime changes, suggesting that there is something that is not quite right in the way that Muslim countries govern themselves.”

There is indeed something not quite right about barbaric Iranian musloids torturing, raping, and finally killing a female Canadian journalist as described here. Azam said Kazemi showed obvious signs of torture, including:

Evidence of a very brutal rape.
A skull fracture, two broken fingers, missing fingernails, a crushed big toe and a broken nose.
Severe abdominal bruising, swelling behind the head and a bruised shoulder.
Deep scratches on the neck and evidence of flogging on the legs.

Weir continues,

As a supporter of the Council for the National Interest, you know our legal system has nothing to fear from Shariah practices. That idea is a red herring used by the Israel lobby. That’s why I am asking for your financial help.

That’s very interesting, Alison. Per the American Thinker reference,

In June 2009, a divorced Muslim woman (unnamed by the court), who was raped and assaulted by her husband, requested a restraining order from a New Jersey family court. The presiding judge denied the woman’s request and stated that “the court believes that the husband was operating under his belief (Islamic sharia) that his demand to have sex whenever he so desired was not prohibited.” Remarkably, the husband’s imam testified at the trial to affirm that under the sharia, a wife is required to comply with her husband’s sexual demands.

Here, meanwhile, are a large number of primitive, backward, and cruel savages parading through London and calling for Sharia in all Arab lands. At about 1:10, the animals bray “Sharia for UK.” Here are some additional jihadists that want to enforce Sharia in London, including punishments like stoning and cutting off hands. Note the bands of young men who will enforce Sharia by “any means.”

The bottom line is that the 21st century’s Nazis have simply hidden their agenda and ideology behind a purported religion that can bleat “hate speech” whenever somebody criticizes them for saying they will annihilate Jews and dominate the world.

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