Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Dear serial protesters

Dror Eydar

One victory has already been achieved, at least in the realm of Israeli media: Media outlets have begun reporting about "left-wing activists" rather than the "peace activists" of previous years. Israel daily Ha'aretz and news website ynet could not bear to take the name of the Left in vain – they called them "pro-Palestinians." Well, now Gunter Grass is also pro-Palestinian! Ynet went as far as to report that "in light of last year's success in raising awareness, foreign activists are planning another flightilla to Israel," (referring to an initiative last summer when more than 250 activists flew to Israel to demonstrate solidarity with the Palestinians). "Foreign activists" sound like foreign workers – nice. Innocent propaganda. With media outlets like that you don't have to work very hard to "raise awareness."

What are these people protesting? "Palestinian rights?" Look at the Gaza Strip and try to find Palestinian rights. The Palestinian Authority is holding strong in the face of Islamist currents only thanks to help from the Israel Defense Forces and Israeli security services. Is that worth protesting?

Dear protesters: Jews have rights too. What you call territories, we see as swaths of homeland in Judea and Samaria. Crack open a copy of the Bible or the Quran and read all about to whom this land belongs. Even the international courts have not decided one way or the other. We would be happy if you staged a protest flightilla against the Palestinian leadership, which has rejected our peace offers time and time again. Take a look at the Palestinian textbooks that indoctrinate generations to hate Israel and deprive the Jewish people of rights to even a part of its homeland. On the way, head over to Syria and protest against the deaths of some 10,000 Syrians in the course of one year. In Gaza, you could protest against the Hamas regime, then review the Hamas charter and find that it is, for all intents and purposes, a Nazi document.

The protest flightilla, much like the Gaza flotilla, the million-man march, apartheid week or any other similar event sponsored by the European Left, will not help the Palestinian people; it will only serve to invalidate Israel's right to exist. Last year, Israeli media outlets slammed the excessive preparation for the first "fly-in" the protesters had planned. This time, it seems we know better: These are unpredictable people who cannot be given any room to improvise. If it were not for the security threat their potential provocation poses inside the airport, it would be acceptable to let them into Israel. No one would even notice them – we have learned to get along with these types. We have more than a few homegrown versions of them.

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