Monday, June 18, 2012

COP: If We Took the Constitution Seriously, Obama Would Be Impeached

If the citizens of this Republic still took the Constitution seriously, Obama would be impeached for his decision to unilaterally grant amnesty to certain illegal aliens.
Article 1, Sec. 8 of the Constitution, which enumerates the power of Congress, states that “Congress shall have the Power To… establish an [sic] uniform Rule of Naturalization.” Congress has passed numerous laws pertaining to immigration and naturalization, including laws requiring the deportation of illegals.

The role of the President, according to Article II, Sec. 3, is to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.” Obama’s refusal to execute Congress’s immigration laws (or, for that matter, Congress’s Defense of Marriage Act) is an impeachable offense. Article II, Sec. 4 states that the President “shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for… Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors.” The deliberate failure to enforce valid immigration law and allow hordes of foreigners to live and work in the U.S. is, arguably, “treason,” and doing so in an election year to appease Hispanic voters could certainly be considered “bribery.”

Krauthammer: Obama's Immigration Policy Is "Out-And-Out Lawlessness"

"Beyond the pandering, beyond the politics, beyond the process is simple constitutional decency. This is out-and-out lawlessness. You had a clip of the president himself say months ago 'I cannot do this on my own because there are laws on the books.' Well, I have news for the president: The laws remain on the books, they haven't changed," syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer said on "FOX News" tonight.

"He proposed the DREAM Act of which the executive order is a variation. He proposed a DREAM Act. The Congress said no. The Congress is the one who makes the laws. What the administration does is it administers law. And in fact, what it's pretending to do is to use discretion, that's what the Homeland Security Secretary said," Dr. Krauthammer said.

"This is not discretion," he said. "Discretion is when you treat it on a one-by-one basis on the grounds of extenuating circumstances. This is the declaration of a whole new set of criteria, which is essentially resurrecting the legislation that the Congress has said no to."

“And I think this is not how you run a constitutional Republic. This ought to be in the hands of Congress, and it is an end-run. What's ironic of course is for eight years, the Democrats have been screaming about the imperial presidency with the Bush administration, the nonsense about the unitary executive. This is out-and-out lawlessness. This is not how you govern. And I think that's the first issue that should be on the table," Krauthammer concluded.

Obama Rex: The Presidency is Dead, All Hail the King

If one man is allowed to singlehandedly change the law for
800,000 people in a way that he never could have achieved through the constitutional legal process, and he remains unchallenged, we are no longer living in a constitutional republic.
With President Obama’s granting of de facto amnesty to young illegal immigrants through executive order, he has completely thrown out the Constitution and for all intents and purposes made himself a king in all but name.

Not only that, but he has made himself the worst kind of king — a tyrant. Tyrants are those rulers who place themselves above the law.

For even kings in most of Western history were subject to the law. Obama has made it obvious he feels no such restraint.

This has been in the works for some time. Many of us saw the train coming down the tracks long ago, but many Americans are just waking up this morning to the idea that their country is fundamentally changed. Many more amazingly remain asleep.

Change is what Obama promised and what he’s delivering. Is it really what Americans thought they were voting for? This president has been ruling by decree for the past several years, and his executive orders, when studied as a whole, have a clear (to some of us) and alarming direction:
    •    Order 10990 — Takeover of transportation, highways and seaports.
    •    Order 10995 — Seizure and control of telecommunications, particularly radio.
    •    Order 10997 — Takeover of all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.
    •    Order 11000 — Forced mobilization of civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
    •    Order 11001 — Takeover of health education and welfare functions.
    •    Order 11002 — Authorizes national registration of all people under the Postmaster General.
    •    Order 11003 — Seizure of airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
    •    Order 11004 — Authorizes the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate entire populations.
    •    Order 11005 — Takeover of railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.
    •    Order 11051 — Authorizes the Office of Emergency Planning to put all executive orders into effect during increased international tensions and economic crisis.
    •    Order 11310 — Department of Justice will enforce plans set out in executive orders, institute Industrial support, establish judicial and legislative liaison, control all aliens, operate penal and correctional institutions, and advise and assist the president.
    •    Order 11921 — The Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency will make plans to establish control over production and distribution of energy, wages, salaries, credit, and the flow of money in any national emergency. When the president declares a state of emergency, Congress cannot review the action for six months.

The ball right now is in Congress’ court. It’s up to the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, to lead the fight.

If Obama gets away with his amnesty by executive order, he will have proved that there is no one who can stop him. He has in place all the legal framework he needs to crack down on dissent and prevent any possible physical resistance. All he need do is declare a national emergency, and his administration has set up several potential “crises” that could precipitate such a declaration.

If it comes to that, there will be no one but us average citizens to stand up for freedom.
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