If so few herpetologist observers could identify such a dangerous trend evolving and isolate its cause, why then is it so difficult for social scientists to do so concerning human behavior within democracies that is disrupting stability's natural balance?
A series of articles by author Soeren Kern underscores this trend in Europe.
Switzerland is a land famous for not having had to fight a war for centuries. Generations of its citizens have proven adept getting along with all cultures. With no standing army, it opted instead to provide for its national defense with a people's militia.
But recently, to enhance public safety, it armed transport police as robberies and assaults on Swiss trains have drastically increased -- the crime rate having doubled since early 2011. A society once secure in the warm glow of peaceful human co-existence now suffers from insecurity as 70 percent of voters say they want an increased police presence.
In Sweden this May, riots broke out in Stockholm as hundreds of mostly young people torched vehicles, set fires and threw rocks at police. The unrest spread to 15 other parts of the city with police stations, schools and community centers set on fire.
In London, youth gangs verbally harass passersby. Their main targets are women and gays. But more aggressive gangs warn non-members they intrude on the gang's turf at their own risk.
Just like herpetologists isolated pollution as disrupting nature's balance for frogs, the cause for the above changes -- ongoing in Switzerland, Sweden, England and elsewhere -- is more obvious. A pollutant, again, is at fault -- one disrupting security's natural balance within these democracies.
These countries, long embracing Christianity while welcoming other religions, opened up to Muslim immigrants who have used that openness against them. With Muslim immigrant populations radically growing in these countries, the "guest" is brazenly taking on the role of "host."
In March, Swiss authorities acknowledged significantly increased recruitment of jihadists and of women being forced into marriage. Muslim gangs have been forcing disadvantaged children to convert to Islam and then sell drugs for them.
Ironically, while indications are otherwise, a governmental study claims all is well. With 5 percent of the Swiss population now Muslim, it downplays Islam-related violence, putting responsibility upon natives to be more accepting, less labeled as Islamophobic.
A Swiss Islamic group, publicly declaring its intentions to impose Shariah law on Switzerland, enthusiastically supported the study's results. Meanwhile, its critics dismiss the report as a "case study in political correctness."
As the government soft-pedals Islam's impact, the natives are getting restless. A recent poll is most telling: 50 percent of those asked say they see Islam as a threat; 58 percent say it doesn't belong in the Western world; two-thirds say Islam conflicts with their values.
Interestingly, the early 2011 date marking the start of increased criminal activity coincides with Switzerland having opened its doors to a massive influx of Muslim immigrants escaping the Arab Spring's violence.
Meanwhile, Muslims say others are politically insensitive to their "suffering," making outrageous charges.
They complained to Swiss Airlines about "offensive" advertising, simply for depicting a plane bearing the Swiss flag's red and white cross with the words "Cross is Trump" (as in the card game). Outraged Muslims alleged it a "Christian slogan used as a provocation and attack against Islam." As a Christian symbol, they say the cross "no longer corresponds to today's multicultural Switzerland."
Yet they build mosques in Switzerland with defining domes and minarets symbolic of Islam.
Islamic groups report their intention to establish their own parliament in Switzerland based on Shariah. This is an effort to get Shariah's "nose under the tent" so jurisdiction will grow, initially as a "parallel" system of law but eventually replacing Swiss law.
With the most generous immigration laws in the world, Sweden attracts hundreds of thousands of Muslims -- now comprising 5 percent of its population as well.
Offered free housing and welfare benefits, poorly educated immigrants unable to speak Swedish are hard-pressed to find work. While openly accepting such welfare, they criticize their hosts, seeking to impose their own non-productive culture upon them.
Their hosts' reward for their generosity is the creation no-go zones where non-Muslims are unwelcome. In England, Muslim gangs ban non-Muslims from even walking by a mosque.
If a block representing only 5 percent of Sweden's population aggressively seeks to impose its culture upon the host majority, one can only imagine what the future holds that minority grows.
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