the rise of Islam and the Obama administration's soft tyranny, every freedom
loving citizen must gear up for the fight to preserve the freedom in the world in
which we live.
Nurit Greenger
you agree with me or not, I am convinced that the world is on the wrong path,
which will lead to a disaster, possible mega war.
look around you. What is going well?
Moslem world of over 1 billion bodies is on fire and is threatening the
non-Moslem world.
European countries, the birth place of enlightenment, for totally
unconscionable and comprehensible reasons have given up on national identity
and sold their soul to multiculturalism and the takeover of Islam.
in the United States the over reach of the government and the disregard for the
America Constitution is causing the citizenry's to begin dissenting.
do not believe me?
should have attended the American Freedom Alliance (AFA) Heroes of Conscience
Award event this week, emceed by Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Michael
Ramirez, where hundreds of people expressed their dismay of their country's
state of affair or lack of. (http://www.americanfreedomalliance.org/)
headed by its president Avi Davis, mission statement says it all: "The
American Freedom Alliance promotes, defends and upholds Western values and
ideals. The Alliance sponsors conferences, publishes opinions, distributes
information and creates networking groups to identify threats to Western
civilization and to motivate, educate and unite citizens in support of that
the people of the free world, mostly identified as Western society, are at war
with elitist power – basically our governments – that want to invalidate our
inalienable freedom rights, which allow us to have the life we have chosen to
live and preserve it for ourselves and the generations to come.
does not come as a given and one has to be vigilant to preserve it as there are
always forces just around the corner waiting to snatch it away from us. To
defend freedom society needs leaders who understand its value.
The Torah
teaches us all we need to know about leadership, whether it was Abraham, Moses,
Deborah, King David, Esther and others.
has bestowed the 2013 Hero of Conscience Award to four leaders, who, each in
his or her own way, have been fighting to preserve freedom:
Congressman Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Allen West, a man of fearless approach to
voicing key issues (http://www.nextgeneration.tv/)
Lecturer Tammi Rossman-Benjamin from Santa Cruz University in California, the co-founder
of the AMCHA Initiative (http://www.amchainitiative.org/), its mission is to
investigate, document, educate about, and combat antisemitic behavior on
college and university campuses in America and the institutional structures
that legitimize it and allow it to flourish.
LecturerTammi Benjamin's Offensive Speech Pt 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EXi472Zt6s&feature=youtu.be-
LecturerTammi Benjamin's Offensive Speech Pt 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geyrrNrNM3o&feature=youtu.be-
Dr. Leila Beckwith, a Professor Emeritus, Department of Pediatrics, University of California at Los Angeles, the
co-founder of the AMCHA Initiative, who, through publications and advocacy efforts, began to detail the
diminishing power of academic integrity and the increasing anti-Semitic
manifestations that had made their way to the campus. (articles authored by
Leila Beckwith - http://spme.net/cgi-bin/byauthor.cgi?ID=19)
women have been a fierce warriors in their efforts to protect Jewish students
in the face of the
worrisome growing anti-Semitism on campuses all over the united States.
Initiative Video - The University of California: A Hostile Environment -
David Horwatt, who
sits on
the board of the American Freedom Alliance and the Electric Infrastructure
Security Council. Mr. Horwatt's expertise is information technology; he has
built technical and professional service organizations at two Los Angeles
systems integration firms and for the past 20 years, at General Networks, he
has developed a professional services division that specializes in implementing
solutions for managing document and intensive business processes.
"Isms" want is to rid the world of something. Nazism wanted to rid the
world of Jews. Communism wanted to rid the world of God. Islamism wants to rid
the world of infidels - that is all who are not Moslems. It also wants to rid
the world of free speech as it believes, 'free speech for me but not for thee'.
The Obama government wants to rid all its citizens of their individualism.
The threat of today is Islam intolerance of all and the
rise of anti-Semitism.
moral restraint and principles society will not prevail and the further society
removes itself from the truth
the more it will hate it. AFA is out to tell the truth because in the cesspool
of deceit and lies truth will always shine.
esteem comes from doing estimable things; American Freedom Alliance is fighting to keep the finger on the pulse on current
events that have a risk of moving the free world in the wrong direction, to
keep the free world intact.
when you receive hate mail you know you are doing your job right. Keep on
fighting for what is right.
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