May 31, 2013
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Earlier in the week, I participated in “Breaking the Impasse”, an
event held in Jordan under the auspices of the World Economic Forum. It
was attended by some 300 Israeli and Palestinian leaders of commerce
and industry who represent over 25% of the GDP of Israel and the
Palestinian region. Some of the most prominent Israeli business
personalities were present.
The concept was the initiative and brainchild of Israeli hi-tech
guru, Yossi Vardi, who persuaded a number of like-minded giants of
industry and commerce to join him. He was supported by his Palestinian
friend, Munib Masri, chairman of the powerful Padico oil and gas group,
who encouraged major Palestinian business leaders to participate in
effort project to promote the two state approach as a means of ending
the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
The stated objective was not to analyze the past or propose
specific terms but to leverage politicians to move forward. The Israelis
made every effort to depoliticize the discussions.It was indeed an
edifying experience to meet numerous Palestinians who seem genuinely
enthusiastic about developing friendly relations with Israel and
committed to ending the conflict. Were Palestinians of this caliber
directing policy or even having a significant input into the political
process, a settlement could probably be achieved in a matter of days.
Alas however, the expressions of goodwill and desire to live in
peace displayed at the gathering represented a far cry from the reality
on the ground.
There is indeed a broad Israeli consensus which agrees to painful
compromises provided security is ensured and there is a genuine
Palestinian peace partner.
However the Palestinian Authority is a dictatorial regime and
even were its constituents not imbued with hatred of Israel - as is the
case – their attitudes would have little impact on political
The Israelis endeavored to instill a positive atmosphere into the
event, avoiding any negative references to the past such as the Arab
military aggression, the rejection of previous generous offers by
Israeli Prime Ministers, anti-Semitic incitement, and ongoing terror.
The organizers also sought to relate to both parties as though they were
two national entities merely engaged in a dispute over land related
Yet when PA President Mahmoud Abbas addressed the gathering, he
launched into a vitriolic diatribe. Despite having refused for years to
engage in direct negotiations, he accused Israel of exclusive
responsibility for the impasse. He even had the gall to deny that his
administration engaged in incitement. He demanded the release of
prisoners, referred to the Saudi peace plan in the context of the 1949
armistice lines and also canvassed for the return of the Palestinian
refugees which he knows no Israeli government would ever concede.
Abbas was adamant that unless Israel accepted all his demands,
there would be no progress. He explicitly rejected temporary borders,
interim agreements or schemes to economically enhance the living
conditions of the Palestinians prior to a settlement.
He culminated his confrontationist remarks by fantasizing about a
future democratic Palestinian state in which the rights of women and
freedom of worship for all religions would be guaranteed.
Speaking immediately after Abbas’s tirade, Peres nevertheless
nonchalantly addressed the PA leader as “my dear friend”, a man of peace
and a genuine partner. But he then scrapped his prepared address and
pleaded with Abbas to return to the negotiating table. Earlier in the
day Peres had endorsed the 1949 armistice lines with swaps as the basis
for a settlement, despite being aware that the government and the
majority of the people oppose this.
The last speaker, US Secretary of State, John Kerry, called on
Palestinians and Israelis to move swiftly to implement the two state
solution. The climax of his speech was the unveiling of a bizarre
economic plan to be coordinated by the Quartet’s special envoy, Tony
Blair, in which the private sector would invest $4 billion dollars in
the Palestinian economy. Kerry predicted that this would increase the
Palestinian GDP by over 50%, reduce unemployment over a three-year
period from 21% to 8%, increase wages by 40% and triple tourism. He
failed to explain how this revolutionary economic transformation - which
he insisted was no fantasy - could be implemented. The Palestinians
have since stated that “bribes” from Kerry would not lead them to
compromise goals such as obtaining the right of return to Israel for
Arab refugees and their descendants.
The Kerry formula for peace epitomized the flight from reality
which prevailed throughout the event and left me wondering how senior
leaders of commerce and industry could engage in delusions so completely
out of sync with the reality surrounding them.
When Abbas rants and concedes nothing, they convince themselves
that his views are motivated by his need to placate his domestic
constituency and should therefore not be taken seriously. They naively
insist that Abbas is inherently genuine and will deliver.
None of the participants even once referred to Hamas, the
genocidal terrorist group which adamantly reiterates its determination
to wipe Israel off the map and with which Abbas repeatedly proclaims he
intends to merge.
Also unmentioned was the devastating regional slide towards
barbarism in Syria and the strengthening power of fanatical Islamic
groups like the Moslem Brotherhood which not only creates volatility on
the borders but makes dictators like Egypt’s Mubarak and possibly even
Syria’s evil Assad appear relatively benign.
In this environment, our business leaders should ask themselves
whether they are entitled to “gamble” children’s lives by relying on a
corrupt anti-Semitic Palestinian leadership. They should be reminded of
the outcome in Gaza when we unilaterally traded land for “peace”.
Yet, this in no way detracts from the kudos that Yossi Vardi and
his team deserve for having invested so much time, effort and resources
into creating such an initiative. It is precisely in this troubling
environment that we need such meetings with friendly and enlightened
Palestinians in order to resist the temptation to abandon the idea of a
two state solution.
Despite all the recent debates over demography, annexation of the
disputed territories would lead to the absorption of masses of Arabs as
Israeli citizens. This would not merely create unbearable tensions but
could extinguish the vision of the Zionist founders by transforming
Israel into a binational state.
We must hold firm and despite setbacks, remain steadfast in our
long-term commitment towards a two state solution. We must continue
awaiting the era when new Palestinian leaders will emerge, willing to
respect our security concerns and coexist with us. And “Breaking the
Impasse” must encourage us to continue striving to fulfill the dream in
which Jews and Arabs live peacefully side by side in a region in which
social and economic collaboration leads to major progress in our quality
of life.
In the meantime our President should not condemn or accuse of
cynicism those who refuse to repeat his mantras about peace which have
no bearing on reality. If we are to maintain our sovereignty, we must
face the fact that unless Mahmoud Abbas and his associates dramatically
change their approach and display a willingness to engage in reciprocity
and genuine compromises, they are not peace partners and we are
dangerously deluding ourselves if we place any trust in them.
The writer’s website can be viewed at may be contacted at
This column was originally published in the Jerusalem Post and Israel Hayom
Some of my recent articles:
A Global Tsunami of Anti-Semitism (May 28, 2013)
Claims Conference Leaders must Resign Now! (May 22, 2013)
Exposed: Devastating New Claims Conference Scandal (May 18, 2013)
Déjà Vu: “Peace in Our Time” (May 14, 2013)If you wish to forward this email please use the 'Forward to a Friend' button at the end of this email. Comments are welcome on this article please click here.
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