A short list. Images added. via Meet The Islamist Media Mavens That Sabotage War On Terror – Investors.com.
The London and Boston attacks are a
gruesome reminder we’re still at war with jihadists, at home and abroad.
However, we’re also at war with their apologists and propagandists.
Alarmingly, Islamists are infiltrating the
national media, where they’re undermining every aspect of the global
war on terror — from surveillance of homegrown jihadists like the Boston
bombers to foreign drone strikes on high-value al-Qaida targets to the
imprisonment of enemy combatants at Gitmo.
These agents of influence include:
• Amina Ismail,
a former Egyptian reporter who somehow got credentialed by the Secret
Service to cover the White House as a “special correspondent” for the
liberal McClatchy Newspapers.
Just days after the Boston bombings,
Ismail showed up at a critical White House press conference, her head
covered in an Islamic scarf, and was recognized by President Obama’s
spokesman Jay Carney.

As Boston surgeons were still performing
amputations on shrapnel-riddled victims, this Muslim activist posing as a
reporter drew a moral equivalency between the Boston bombings and U.S.
drone strikes against terrorist targets overseas — playing right into
the argument of the Boston jihadists.
“President Obama said what happened in
Boston was an act of terrorism,” Ismail sniffed. “I would like to ask:
Do you consider the U.S. bombing on civilians in Afghanistan a form of
Ismail formerly worked in Cairo for a
pro-Muslim Brotherhood rag called Al-Masry Al-Youm, where she wrote
anti-American propaganda.
After the Brotherhood toppled the pro-U.S.
Mubarak government, Ismail authored an interview with Ahmed Agiza, a
Brotherhood leader jailed by Mubarak for his role in the assassination
of Anwar Sadat but recently freed by the new Brotherhood regime.
In the article, Ismail described his
arrest, along with that of other Brotherhood leaders — which included
Ayman al-Zawahiri, now al-Qaida’s kingpin — as part of “the Mubarak
regime’s dirty war” on terrorists.
Ismail also claimed Agiza was tortured as a
suspected 9/11 terrorist in “Washington’s illegal extraordinary
rendition program,” an outgrowth of “the United States’ so-called war on
• Hina Shamsi, head of the ACLU’s National Security Project and a regular on MSNBC and other media.

In a recent appearance on C-Span’s
“Washington Journal” to discuss the Boston terror attacks, she denied
any threat from homegrown jihadists and argued the military should have
no role in fighting them.
“There is no global jihadist movement” against the West, she asserts. Yet she insists the West is waging war on Muslims and Islam.
Shamsi and her stable of Muslim lawyers
have even defended 9/11 co-conspirator Anwar Awlaki in a campaign to
save the al-Qaida leader from drone targeting.
“Our government is killing people in
(Muslim) countries,” Shamsi complained in a USA Today column arguing the
drone program must be “stopped.”
• Hadeel Al-Shalchi,
formerly Canadian spokeswoman for the Council on American-Islamic
Relations, which the Justice Department lists as a Brotherhood and Hamas
front and an unindicted terrorist co-conspirator. She has written
anti-Israel, pro-Brotherhood pieces for the Associated Press.

More here, Associated Press Cairo Correspondent Former CAIR Canada Spokesperson
• Sharaf Mowjood,
a former CAIR government-relations coordinator who has written or
produced pro-Islamist pieces for the New York Times, ABC News and NBC
News, where he works as an associate producer.

CAIR seeks to Islamize the newsroom.
“Muslims must become active in the
nation’s offices where news reports and headlines are written,” CAIR
Executive Director Nihad Awad once told the faithful.
And the terror-tied group is making
inroads at AP. Under CAIR pressure, AP last month announced it would
stop calling radical Muslims “Islamists.”
Ponder that: An Islamist group planting
Islamists in the media is now controlling how the media reports on
Islamists. Much more than the camel’s nose is under the press tent now.
And don’t forget CAIR’s man at the Detroit Free Press Niraj Warikoo. There are many more. If you want to add to the list leave links in the comments.Comments: In our action thriller we have a plot line exposing this same thing: please check out "The Lion Of Justice"
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