Witnesses claim it took London police 20 minutes to show up and stop the two Muslim killers. But when it comes to something truly serious, like protecting Muslims from elderly British women, then the coppers were on the case.
“An 85-year-old woman has this afternoon been arrested after abuse was hurled at Muslims outside Gillingham Mosque. The pensioner was handcuffed and taken away in a van by officers attending the Canterbury Street mosque for Friday prayers."
Note the "attending the prayers" part. And lest you get too mouthy on social media about it, there's a warning for you.
"A spokesman for Avon and Somerset Police said, “People should stop and think about what they say on social media before making statements as the consequences could be serious.”
Scholars of Islam like Prime Minister David Cameron and London Mayor Boris Johnson insisted that the gruesome murder of a British soldier by two Muslims shouting “Allah Akbar” and quoting the Koran had nothing to do with Islam.
However Imam Omar Bakri Muhammad, who influenced Mujaheed Adebowale, the London beheader, disagrees saying, “Under Islam this can be justified”,
And what are Imam Omar Bakri Muhammad’s thoughts on the human life of non-Muslim civilians?
“We don’t make a distinction between civilians and non-civilians, innocents and non-innocents. Only between Muslims and unbelievers. And the life of an unbeliever has no value. It has no sanctity.”
Nothing to do with Islam. Not a bloody thing.
He used the name “Mujahid”, or holy warrior, and handed out radical leaflets in Woolwich High Street. And he began plotting jihad — while selling drugs back in Romford.
“He would say, ‘I’ve got some designer white shirts’ which meant crack cocaine, or ‘I’ve got black T-shirts’, which meant heroin.
London Beheader Fell in With Muslim Gang, Turned to Drug Dealing and Jihad
10% of Young People in UK are Muslims
London Mayor Boris Johnson has said the blame for the brutal murder of a soldier in Woolwich lies with the ‘warped mind-set’ of his killers. ‘One obvious point, it is completely wrong to blame this killing on Islam.’
The point that Mayor Johnson deems so obvious that it need not even be backed up with proofs or verifications is that two Muslim terrorists quoting the Koran and carrying out an attack in line with Islamic beliefs had nothing to do with Islam.
Boris Johnson is correct that the ‘warped mind-set’ of his killers is to blame. But that ‘warped mind-set’ has a name. It’s called Islam.
Mayor Boris Johnson used to know that. Here’s what he wrote after the 7/7 bombings.
"That means disposing of the first taboo, and accepting that the problem is Islam. Islam is the problem."
London Mayor: “It Is Completely Wrong to Blame this Killing on Islam.”
“He Was Just a Completely Normal Guy. He Was Interested in Islam, in Memorising the Koran.”
This was not just an attack on Britain – and on our British way of life. It was also a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country,” British Prime Minister David Cameron said.
Muslim communities do indeed give so much to the UK, aside from the occasional bombing and beheading, there are the sex grooming gangs, the social welfare fraud and the drug dealing.
It’s astounding really. They give so much and get so little in return. Just free homes and jail sentences.
PM Cameron: “There is Nothing in Islam that Justifies this Truly Dreadful Act.”
This George Jonas article has one of the clearest expressions of what terrorists truly aspire to.
For terror to work scaring people is necessary but not sufficient. Even all-powerful, naked, totalitarian terror requires more than fear to function. For the asymmetric terror of the weak -- Basque, say, or Chechen or Uighur secessionists -- fear serves as kindling to ignite an illusion of sympathy.
No one likes to think of himself as a coward. People resist admitting that they're afraid. Simply scaring them might even get their backs up. People prefer to think they end up yielding to what the terrorists demand, not because it's safer or more convenient, but because it's the right thing.
Terrorism's great achievement isn't hijacking jetliners, but hijacking the debate. Successful terrorism persuades the terror-stricken that he's conscience-stricken. Once adapted and internalized by its targets, asymmetric terror can be as powerful as totalitarian terror.
Ultimately, terror triumphs when it allows perpetrators to masquerade as victims. It's the intolerant demanding tolerance that bedevils Western civil liberties and anti-defamatory organizations
Amnesty Will Legalize 32 Million + Add 25 Million Guest Workers
The United States was not incapable of using armed force over Benghazi. Obama’s first Libya lie, the one that led to the war, was the claim that Gaddafi forces were about to carry out a massacre in Benghazi. No such massacre had occurred anywhere or was going to occur, but it was enough for Obama to go to war, without ever admitting that he was at war.
Was the military power that was leveraged to defend Benghazi incapable of being leveraged to defend the mission in Benghazi? Was overthrowing Gaddafi really easier than protecting American diplomats and security personnel under siege?
Benghazi was, from beginning to end, a story of appeasement gone bad. The serial lies by a serial liar have covered up the ugly truth that American lives were sacrificed on the altar of appeasement. Four men are dead and a fifth has been locked up to keep the lie alive.
Obama: Serial Liar
Muslim Countries are The Most Racist in the World
The British version of gender-neutral, gender-free, replacing gender-fair policy, attempted to ignore gender in military training and resulted in a doubling of injuries for female soldiers. In gender-fair training, women only suffered four times as many injuries as male soldiers. In gender-free training, women suffered nearly ten times as many injuries as male soldiers. An absurd term like gender-free could be coined, but it couldn’t be implemented because no one can be free of their gender. Gender is not open to regulation or deregulation. It is an absolute reality.
There’s nothing gender neutral about that. But gender-neutral really means neutral to the gender. And neutral to the gender is another way of saying that there are two differing standards. The standard changes to accommodate the gender.
A Gender-Neutral Army
Paterson NJ Actually Becomes Paterstine as PLO Flag Rises Over City Hall
In a bizarre statement, a month after Muslim terrorists set off bombs at the Boston Marathon that wounded 264 people, Obama claimed that, “There have been no large-scale attacks on the United States, and our homeland is more secure.”
The Boston terrorists only killed 3 people, but injured 264. There were at least 16 amputations of limbs. The original World Trade Center bombing resulted in six deaths and fifteen traumatic injuries. The Boston bombings are in a class with that.
Obama Claims “No Large-Scale Attacks on the United States” Month After Bombs Wound 264
I tend to think that reposting your own Tweets in articles and blogs is a bad habit, but sometimes arguing in 140 characters condenses an idea to something closer to slogan length. Considering the usual gargantuan length of my articles, it may be worth it in this case.
@mozz71 @adamsbaldwin @boschfawstin Most people individually are nice, on good days, but we're dealing with a group ideology
— Daniel Greenfield(@Sultanknish) May 24, 2013
@mozz71 @adamsbaldwin @boschfawstin Most Germans during WW2 were nice people individually. They still voted for Hitler.
— Daniel Greenfield(@Sultanknish) May 24, 2013
@mozz71 @adamsbaldwin @boschfawstin We interact with people on 2 levels. Interpersonally and politically
— Daniel Greenfield(@Sultanknish) May 24, 2013
@mozz71 @adamsbaldwin @boschfawstin Everyone said the London killer was a nice guy, but his politics told him he had to kill people
— Daniel Greenfield(@Sultanknish) May 24, 2013
The graduate of Columbia, Occidental College and Harvard declaring himself an “Honorary Morehouse Man” is already a cynical joke. Obama never would have gone to Morehouse. The odds of him sending one of his offspring to an HBCU is right up there with him sending them to the moon.
Obama’s Cynical Privileged Morehouse College Speech
England, in many American circles, had come to seem like Israel today, a country that dragged the United States into wars. While Nazi Germany, like the Muslims today, was seen as misunderstood and a victim of history. Kennedy’s observations would not have been unusual even for many liberal visitors older than him.
There was a sizable strain of admiration for fascism in liberal circles extending into the FDR administration. The sense was that fascists were capable of getting things done.
JFK: “Fascism?’ The right thing for Germany.”
Secondly, I understand that bringing me on as network anchor of Zimbabwe state television has the stench of the arrogant Western imperialism that both you and I disdain so much. After all, wise man once said, “The only white man you can trust is a dead white man.”
Of course, your Excellency, those words were spoken by you. And I wholeheartedly agree with them. Though it is true on the outside I appear as white as the devil himself, my heart is of a different complexion altogether.
I look forward to hearing from you.
In trust,
Keith Theodore Olbermann
Cornell Class of 1979
Keith Olbermann looks for a job: The secret emails revealed
Apologists for Islam often quote, out of context, a Koranic verse, which says ‘Whosoever killeth a human being… it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind” as proof that Islam is humanitarian.Huffington Post UK Director Who Called Non-Muslims Animals, Claims Islam is Not Hateful
In fact this is a Talmudic quote that the Koran appropriates and then uses to spew hate against the Jews and Christians as unbelievers. Hasan, like most apologists, amends the quote removing the exception that you may kill as revenge for a killing or “for creating disorder in the land”. Those who create disorder should “be slain or crucified or their hands and their feet be cut off on alternate sides.”
For a full measure of Mehdi’s perversity, the Koranic verse quoted by the London Beheader advocating an eye for an eye is in Koran 5:46. The one quoted by Mehdi is in 5:33.
I appeared on SUN TV briefly to discuss Obama's scandal on Michael Coren's The Arena
And if you would like to hear that in a much better accent, here's Critical G reading some of my articles
Finally here's a great article by Oleg Atbashian on the totalitarian nature of the left.
How is it possible to hold so many mutually exclusive beliefs? To preach tolerance and be so intolerant? To grieve for terror victims and justify terrorism? To stand up for workers and destroy their jobs? To march for peace and defend the militants? To denounce corruption and vote for the corrupt? To espouse non-violence and commit violent acts? To speak of liberties and promote government dictate? To bolster feminism and deride successful women? To cheer gays and aid the gay-bashers in the Middle East? To champion minorities as a group and hold them down as individuals? To care about the children and condemn them to intellectual mutilation? To denounce guns and hire armed bodyguards? To support the troops and side with their murderers? To demand love and be full of hate?
The bad news is that these are not contradictions. Worse yet, sensible people will keep losing ground to those whom they shrug off as bumbling sacks of absurdities, for as long as they don’t understand that the above paradoxical statements aren’t, in fact, oxymorons, but contain a very consistent logic.
In this sense, the best key to unlocking the mystery of the Progressive Chauvinist mind, breaking the leftist code, and discerning their collectivist morality is a statement attributed to Karl Marx, which, regardless of whether he wrote it or not, is perfectly aligned with the moral philosophy of Progressive Chauvinism:
“The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism”
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