Saturday, May 18, 2013

If You Trust The American Press, Here’s A Thought Experiment

via Forbes.
The U.S. Defense Science Board’s report High Performance Microchip Supply ranks as probably the most devastating ever account of the speed and extent of American decline. Why therefore has it been completely overlooked, or should I say suppressed, by America’s mainstream media?
As I pointed out last week, the report, issued as far back as 2005, documented the transfer abroad — mainly to East Asia – of  most of the U.S. semiconductor industry’s key capabilities and technologies. The Defense Science Board, which is funded by the Pentagon, was particularly concerned about the fear, now widely prevalent in U.S. defense circles, that so-called malware could be hidden in the circuitry of foreign-sourced semiconductors only to be activated at the last minute. Among other things, this could give a hostile foreign power control of American missiles in flight – with highly alarming implications for where those missiles might land.

The board’s blue-ribbon panel of experts summed up their findings with this chilling comment: “The potential effects of this restructuring are so perverse and far-reaching and have such opportunities for mischief that, had the United States not significantly contributed to this migration, it would have been considered a major triumph of an adversary nation’s strategy to undermine U.S. military capabilities.”
As a thought experiment, try searching for the quote above in any of the mainstream media, and you’ll see what I mean: total radio silence. Nothing in the Washington Post or New York Times. The Wall Street Journal and Fox News, the two most influential media properties of Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation, seem also to have missed the story – this despite the fact that, even compared to the rest of the American press, Murdoch’s chicken hawk editors are notorious for sending American troops into harm’s way in pursuit of harebrained military objectives.
Why would a story like this be suppressed? Editors seem to think that support for free trade ideology should trump their duty to tell the truth.
Read it all & accompanying links.
Sidebar: Did anyone notice the AP was/is more outraged over investigations of Muslim terrorists than it is over supposed tapping of their phones?

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